52nd National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists at Hyderabad

Dr Ganesh S.Pai, Managing director of Derma-Care, Skin and Cosmetology Centre has been invited to chair & as faculty at 52nd National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists, DERMACON 2024 will be held from 22nd to 25th February at Hyderabad, chairing session on “NRC session” & to give a guest lecture on the topics “Laser Hair Reduction – The journey so far” & “Work & Life : How to balance?”.
The theme of the conference is “Skinception to Skinnovation”. In line with the theme planned sessions suitable to academicians and practitioners alike. The aim of conference is to impart knowledge in such a way that it is useful to delegates in both academics and practice.