Skin Rejuvenation

What is Skin Rejuvenation?

Skin rejuvenation restores the youthful appearance of the skin. Ageing decreases the collagen and hyaluronic acid content of our skin. This decrease reduces the skin’s capacity to stay moist and supple. Skin loses fat, thus losing its youthful glow and smoothness. Various procedures, like lasers and injectables, help in restoring healthy and young looking skin.

What lasers do you use for Skin Rejuvenation?

Derma-Care uses lasers and energy based devices to improve the tone and texture of skin. Commonly used lasers are:

  • Fractional co2 laser (Ultrapulse laser)
  • Erbium Pixel (Alma Harmony Pro XL)
  • Nd:Yag (PicoLO)

Energy based devices used in skin rejuvenation are:

  • Microneedling RF (Scarlet)
  • Nano radio frequency (Venus Viva)
  • Radiofrequency with ultrasound device (Exilis Elite).

Post procedure, there is no downtime and or pain. You can resume work immediately after the procedure.

Any other treatments available?

Injectables like Botox and Fillers result in smooth and natural looking lift. We use Botox to treat the facial wrinkles. Botox blocks the nerves that contract muscles, softening the appearance of wrinkles. The effect of Botox lasts up to four to six months. The lines and wrinkles often appear less severe with time because the Botox trains muscles to relax.

Fillers are made of hyaluronic acid and we use it on any area of the face, including:

  • lines and creases around the mouth
  • around the nose
  • forehead and temples
  • cheeks
  • jaw-line
  • chin
  • eyes
  • lips

We use Fillers for facial contouring and to improve the appearance of scars such as those caused by acne. You can see the results immediately. The effect lasts for 24 months.

Before & After