Dark circles under the eyes occurs due to the following reasons:
Dermal melanin deposition
Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation secondary to atopic or allergic contact dermatitis
Periorbital edema
Hormonal variation
Superficial location of vasculature
Shadowing due to skin laxity
Wrinkles and tear through
Dark circles may also occur due to the following reasons:
Genetic reasons
Extension of facial pigmentary demarcation lines
Facial acanthosis nigricans
1. How can we prevent dark circles?
Use of sunscreen over periorbital area.
Lifestyle modification like avoidance of stress, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and avoiding smoking.
Avoid rubbing the eyes repeatedly, which causes breakage of capillaries.
Consume diet rich in vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.
2. How does Derma-Care treat dark circles?
Chemical peels like glycolic acid, lactic acid, citric acid peel.
Lasers like Pico Qswitched NdYag (Pico Lo) or Erbium Pixel (Alma Harmony pro).
Radio frequency around the eye.
Botox and hyaluronic acid filler.
PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma).
3. Are lasers safe around the eye?
The lasers target only the pigment. It has no effect on the cornea. You will be wearing protective corneal shields during the laser treatment.
4. Does the periorbital pigmentation vanish completely?
At Derma-Care, our treatment can significantly improve periorbital pigmentation, but the treatment cannot eliminate it completely.
5. How long will the benefits last?
Some type of pigmentation may require a few sessions of treatment to achieve best result. Derma-Care recommends periodic maintenance treatments to maintain benefits over the long term.